



















2001年9月---2004 年7月就读于武汉大学数学与统计学院信息与计算科学专业,获硕士学位;

2008年9月----2012年6月 就读于华中科技大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计专业,获博士学位。


2004年7月-2014年7月 betway必威西汉姆联官网理学院 信息与数学科学系;

2006年12月 获讲师职称;

2013年12月 获副教授职称;

2014年7月-至今 betway必威西汉姆联官网 betway必威西汉姆联官网。


1. 个人简介:


研究方向为生物统计、生物信息学,多年来致力于利用统计和机器学习方法解决生物信息、生物医学领域的重要问题,如DNA调控元件预测、蛋白质结构和功能预测等方面的应用研究。目前,重点展开基于整合基因组、转录组、代谢组等多组学数据解析遗传变异对人类复杂疾病,尤其是癌症的影响和作用机制,以及将纵向数据的统计分析方法用于医学与生物数据的分析 。以第一作者、通讯作者或共同通讯作者在Briefings in Bioinformatics、Nucleic Acids Research、Frontiers in Genetics等杂志上发表SCI论文近20篇。

2. 科研项目:

[1] 主持国家青年基金《基于支撑向量的生存分析方法的研究与应用》;

[2] 主持武汉市卫计委医学科研项目《大病保险在新农合医疗体系中的运行分析和对策研究》;

[3] 作为第一参与人,参与国家青年基金《基于生物信息学和自然语言处理的水稻抗病基因挖掘》;


[5] 作为主要 参与者,参与国家面上基金项目《青少年新型毒品滥用预防的亲子“认知-技能-心理成长”干预模式研究》;

[6] 作为主要参与人,参与国家青年基金《半监督排序的局部学习算法设计与推广性能研究》;

3. 科研论文:

[1]Yingjie Gao#,Zhiquan Yang#,Wenqian Yang#,Yanbo Yang,Jing Gong*,Qing-Yong Yang*,Xiaohui Niu*. Plant-ImputeDB: an integrated multiple plant reference panel database for genotype imputation.Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 49, Issue D1, 8 January 2021, Pages D1480–D1488.

[2]Hao Chen#,Yaoyao He#,Cecheng Zhao#,Lili Zheng,Ning Pan,Jianfeng Qiu,Zhaoxi Zhang*,Xiaohui Niu*,Zilong Yuan*. Reproducibility of radiomics features derived from intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted MRI of cervical cancer. Acta Radiologica,2020,https://doi.org/10.1177/0284185120934471.

[3]Zhifeng Huang,Yu Gan,Kun Yang,Liangdi Gao,Bing Xiong,Hanhua Li,Xiaohui Niu,Kejian Wang*,Wen Lai*. Characteristics and Evolution of Microbial Drug Resistance in Burnt Patients.Journal of Burn Care & Research,2020,iraa039,https://doi.org/10.1093/jbcr/iraa039.

[4]Yibeltal Arega, Hao Jiang,Shuangqi Wang, Jingwen Zhang,Xiaohui Niu,Guoliang Li*. ChIAMM: A Mixture Model for Statistical Analysis of Long-Range Chromatin Interactions From ChIA-PET Experiments.Frontiers in Genetics, 2020,https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2020.616160.

[5]Huikuan Chu,Tao Bai,Liuying Chen,Lilin Hu,Li Xiao,Lin Yao,Rui Zhu,Xiaohui Niu,Zhonglin Li,Lei Zhang,Chaoqun Han,Shuangning Song,Qi He,Ying Zhao,Qingjing Zhu,Hua Chen,Bernd Schnabl,Ling Yang,Xiaohua Hou. Multicenter Analysis of Liver Injury Patterns and Mortality in COVID-19. Frontiers in Medicine,2020,20;7:584342.

[6]Weiwei Jin,Qizhao Zhu,Yanbo Yang,Wenqian Yang,Dongyang Wang,Jiajun Yang,Xiaohui Niu,Debing Yu,Jing Gong.Animal-APAdb: a comprehensive animal alternative polyadenylation database.Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 49, Issue D1, 8 January 2021, Pages D47–D54.

[7] Wenqian Yang#, Yanbo Yang#, Cecheng Zhao, Kun Yang, Dongyang Wang, Jiajun Yang,Xiaohui Niu*, Jing Gong*.Animal-ImputeDB: a comprehensive database with multiple animal reference panels for genotype imputation. Nucleic Acids Research, gkz854,https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkz854.

[8]Xiaohui Niu, Kaixuan Deng, Lifen Liu, Kun Yang, Xuehai Hu*, A statistical framework for predicting critical regions of p53-dependent enhancers, Briefings in Bioinformatics, , bbaa053,https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbaa053

[9] Sabrina Richardson, Tuo Lin, Yangyi Li,Xiaohui Niu, Manfei Xu Valerie Stander, Xin M Tu* . Guidance for use of weights: an analysis of different types of weights and their implications when using SAS PROCs.General Psychiatry,2019;32:e100038. doi:10.1136/ gpsych-2018-100038

[10]Xiaohui Niu#, Kun Yang#, Ge zhang, Zhiquan Yang, Xuehai Hu*. A pretraining-Retraining strategy of deep learning imporoves cell-specific enhancer predictions. Frontier in Genetics,doi: 0.3389/fgene.2019.01305

[11] Qiujian Chen,Xiaohui Niu,Nana Li. Exploring the natural chemiome to target interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R) cytokines: an atomic scale investigation for novel rheumatoid arthritis drug discovery.Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. 2017;53(3):e17256.

[12] Duo Chen, Ashfaq Ali, Xiaohui Yong, Changgen Lin,Xiaohui Niu, Aiming Cai, Bicheng Dong, Zhixiang Zhou, Yongjian Wang*, Feihai Yu. A multi-species comparison of selective placement patterns of ramets in invasive alien and native clonal plants to light, soil nutrient and water heterogeneity. Science of the Total Environment,2019,657: 1568-1577.

[13]Niu Xiaohui, Hu Xuehai. Improved Prediction of DNA-Binding Proteins Using Chaos Game Representation and Random Forest. Current Bioinformatics, 2016,11(2):156-163.

[13] Changge Guan,Xiaohui Niu, Feng Shi, Kun Yang, Nana Li*.Predicting a DNA-binding protein using random forest with multiple mathematical features. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 2015, 26, S1,883–889.

[14]Niu Xiaohui, Hu Xuehai*, Shi Feng, Xia Jingbo. Predicting DNA binding proteins using support vector machine with hybrid fractal features.J Theor Biol.,2014,334:189-192.

[15]Niu Xiaohui, Shi Feng, Hu Xuehai, Xia Jingbo, Li Nana*.Predicting the protein solubility by integrating chaos games representation and entropy in information theory. Expert Systems with Applications, 2014, 41(4):1672-1679.

[16]NiuXiaohui, LiNana,XiaJingbo,ChenDingyan,PengYuehua,XiaoYang, Weiwei quan,WangDongming,WangZengzhen. Using the concept of Chou's pseudo amino acid composition to predict protein solubility: An approach with entropies in information theory.J Theor Biol., 2013,332:211-217.

[17]Niu Xiaohui, Li Nana, Chen Dinyan, Wang Zengzhen. Interconnectionbetween the Protein Solubility and Amino Acid and Dipeptide Compositions[J]. Protein and Peptide Letters. Protein and Peptide Letters 2013,20(1):88-95.

[18]Niu Xiaohui, Hu Xuehai *, Shi Feng, Xia Jingbo. Predicting Protein Solubility by the General Form of Chou’s Pseudo Amino Acid Composition: Approached from Chaos Game Representation and Fractal Dimension[J]. Protein and Peptide Letters 2012,19(9):940-948.

[19] XiaJingbo,ZhangSilan,ShiFeng,XiongHuijuan,HuXuehai,NiuXiaohui,LiZhi. Using the concept of pseudo amino acid composition to predict resistance gene against Xanthomonasoryzaepv.oryzae in rice: An approach from chaos games representation[J],Journal of Theoretical Biology 2011 284 16-23.

[20]Niu Xiaohui,Li Nana, Shi Feng ,Hu Xuehai, Xia Jinbo. Predicting Protein Solubility with a hybrid method by Support Vector Machine and BP Neural Network[J]. PROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS, 2010 17 (12): 1466-1472.

[21] Xia Jinbo,Hu Xuehai,Shifeng,Niu Xiaohui,Zhang ChengJun*, SVM method on predicting resistance gene against Xanthomonasoryzaepv. oryzae in rice[J].EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 2010 37 (8):5946-5950.

[22]Niu Xiaohui,Li Nana*,Shi Feng, Hu Xuehai. Subcellular Locations Prediction of Proteins Based on Chaos Game Representation[C]//ICBBE, 2009.(EI)

[23] Hu Xuehai, Song Chaohong, Xia Jinbo,Niu Xiaohui, Ma Xuan, Shi Feng.Chaos game representation for discriminating Thermophilic from Mesophilic protein sequences[C]//ICBBE 2009.

[24] Li Nana,NiuXiaohui*, Shi Feng, Xia Jinbo.A Novel Method to Reconstruct Phylogeny Tree based on the Chaos Game Representation[J]. J. Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2009, 1, 59-63.

[25] Niu Xiaohui, Li Nana*, Shi Feng, Li Xueyan. A Novel Measurement of Sequence Dissimilarity and Its Application to Phylogeny.[C]//theFourth International Conference on Natural Computation ,ICNC 2008.
