姓名 |
罗俊 |
性别 |
男 |
职称 |
副教授 |
学位 |
博士 |
电话 |
18971268960 |
邮箱 |
luojun@mail.hzau.edu.cn |
政治面貌 |
中共党员 |
工作单位 |
betway必威西汉姆联官网 |
研究方向 |
计算机视觉、图像处理、深度学习、机器学习、软件系统 |
教育经历 |
2009-2015,华中科技大学,自动化学院/图像所,工学博士 |
主要职历 |
2015.12-,betway必威西汉姆联官网,副教授 2008.12-2015.12,betway必威西汉姆联官网,讲师 |
科研成果 |
研究论文: [1] Luo Jun, Bie Yehua, Zhang Xinyu, Sang Hongshi, Ji An, Xie Changsheng.Oscillation characteristics in terahertz transmission through a dipole-based metamaterial, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2015, 33(2):020605. (SCI 收录,IF:1.664) [2] Luo Jun, Lin Jiuning, Zhang Xinyu, Sang Hongshi, Ji An, Xie Changsheng. Voltage adjusting characteristics in terahertz transmission through Fabry-Pérot-based metamaterials, AIP Advances, 2015, 5(10):107238. (SCI 收录,IF:1.590) [3] Luo Jun, Lin Jiuling, Zhang Xinyu, Sang Hongshi, Xie Changsheng. Adjustment characteristics in terahertz transmission through a split ring resonator-based metamaterial.Proc. SPIE 9544, Metamaterials, Metadevices, and Metasystems 2015, San Diego, California, United States, August 09, 2015. [4] Zhang Huaidong, Muhammad Afzal, Luo Jun, Tong Qing, Lei Yu, Zhang Xinyu, Sang Hongshi, Xie Changsheng. MWIR/LWIR filter based on Liquid-Crystal Fabry-Perot structure for tunable spectral imaging detection, Infrared Physics and Technology, 69:68-73, 2015.(SCI 收录,IF:1.550) [5] Luo, Jun; Gong Jinhui; Zhang Xinyu; Ji, An; Xie Changsheng, Terahertz transmission properties of four metamaterials. Optik,125(1):386-388, 2014. (SCI 收录,IF=0.769) [6] Luo, Jun; Chen, Ying, Colour restoration of image obtained from CCD sensor directly, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 14(2):81-91, 2014. [7] Tan, Zuojun; Lu, Jun; Luo, Jun; Xie, Jing, Continuous-wave terahertz imaging applied to detect Infestations Caused by Insects in Grain. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, 6(2):271-274, 2014. [8] Luo, Jun; Ji Hongwu; Zhang Xinyu; Sang Hongshi; Xie Changsheng, Design and analysis of metamaterials for the continuous wave terahertz laser. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v. 8921, 2013. [9] Luo, Jun; Gong Jinhui; Zhang Xinyu; Ji, An; Xie Changsheng, Transmission properties of continuous terahertz waves based on metamaterials,. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 42(7):1743-1747, 2013. [10] Luo, Jun; Chen, Ying; Kang Shengwu; Zhang Xinyu; Xie Changsheng, The investigation of terahertz metamaterials by normalized power transmission. Applied Mechanics and Materials, v. 249-250, 935-938, 2013. [11] Luo, Jun; Chen, Ying, Improve the resolution of medical image using POCS algorithm, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, v.212, pp. 757-764, 2013, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on ITSE [12] Luo, Jun; Chen, Ying; Kang Shengwu; Zhang Xinyu; Xie Changsheng, The investigation of metamaterials by measuring the power of transmission in the terahertz regime, Advanced Materials Research, v.571, 133-136, 2012. [13] Luo, Jun; Zhang Xinyu; Xie Changsheng; Zhang Tianxu, The restoration of large blur image based on POCS algorithm.Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7798, 2010. [14] Jun Luo, Rui Su,Ying Chen, Color restoration of monochrome image formatted by Y800. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 6 (18 ) : 3384 - 3388 , 2013 [15] Jun Luo, Teaching Research of Digital Signal Processing in Agricultural University. Lecture Notes in Management Science, 2013.4. [16]Jun Luo, Teaching Research of Digital Image Processing Based on System Ability. Lecture Notes in Management Science, 2013.4. 专利成果: [1] 罗俊,别业华,李维军,张新宇等.基于超材料的肖特基型太赫兹多谱信号探测器.ZL201420514776.0,中国专利(2014). [2] 罗俊,别业华,李维军,张新宇等.基于超材料的肖特基型毫米波多谱信号探测器.ZL201420515040.5,中国专利(2014). [3] 罗俊,别业华,李维军,张新宇等.基于超材料的肖特基型远红外多谱信号探测器.ZL201420515068.9,中国专利(2014). [4] 罗俊,别业华,李维军,张新宇等.基于超材料的远红外单谱信号探测 器.ZL201420514700.8,中国专利(2014). [5] 罗俊,别业华,李维军,张新宇等.基于超材料的太赫兹单谱信号探测器.ZL201420516379.7,中国专利(2014). [6] 罗俊,别业华,李维军,张新宇等.基于超材料的太赫兹单谱信号探测器.ZL201420516362.1,中国专利(2014). [7] 张新宇,佟庆,康胜武,罗俊等.液晶基电调成像波谱面阵红外探测芯片.ZL201210315340.4,中国专利(2013). [8] 张新宇,罗俊,佟庆,雷宇等.一种红外液晶相控阵芯片.ZL201420654545.X,中国专利(2014). [9] 张新宇,雷宇,佟庆,罗俊等.基于电控液晶红外发散平面微柱镜的红外波束控制芯片.ZL201420621473.9,中国专利(2014). [10] 张新宇,罗俊,佟庆,雷宇等.基于电控液晶双模微透镜的控光芯片.ZL201420657591.5,中国专利(2014). 计算机软件著作权: 1.葡萄果粒分析与大小分级系统软件 V1.0,登记号:2013SR070790 |
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